Personal Projects

In my spare time I’m constantly working on multiple projects to practice my skills as a creative. Here are some that I’ve completed and a couple that are in the works. Enjoy :)

  • A City Supposedly Lost at Sea

    A man finds himself hopelessly in over his head as he searches the sea for his father. A storm threatens to sink his small vessel, but not before he witnesses a miracle that shakes his understanding of reality to its core.

  • The Luck Farmer: Short Story

    An idea I had kicking around for a while and finally got to finishing about a someone who farms 4 leaf clovers for luck. I later submitted it for a uni subject and scored a Distinction! Enjoy :)

  • To You and Sue: Short Film Script

    This film, while primarily being about the competitive nature of many families and how it affects every aspect of their lives, is also about how attached your self worth is to the job you work, the house you own and the car you drive. My goal for this film is to utilise the comedic tone to patronise these characters and make the audience realise how silly these preconceived ideas really are. And if not that, then it's just for a good laugh.

  • The Inter-Galactic Trans-Dimensional Broadcast: Audio Story

    This was a really fun project I got to make for my Audio Programming class at University. Scored a High Distinction for it too!

  • When I Grow Up: Short Film Script

    This is a short film script I wrote for my application to AFTRS. It’s based on my relation ship with my late Pop, John Johnson.

  • Signs of Life: Documentary

    On the road that leads to my hometown of Avalon Beach, for as long as I can remember people have put up signs on the telegraph poles that line the road; Happy birthdays, social justice awareness, community events, etc. I’ve always wondered where they came from, so I used this project as a way to document my findings.

  • High School Major Work

    A short film I made for my Multimedia class in high school. I look back on this project with rose-tinted glasses. It was one of the first films I made on my own without my friends to help.

  • Alcohol: Short Film

    This is a short film I made with my brother Kyle about underaged drinking. I had a lot of fun teaching him what I had learnt at university.

  • Television Show Pilot Script

    A Dystopian mystery about teen who discovers that their childhood memories have been altered and the obstacles they face in the pursuit of why?

  • Fantasy Novel

    A high fantasy novel where the humans empower themselves with magic to build mighty machines, explore the continent and defend their civilisation from animals corrupted by a dark magic. We follow several characters across the vast human city of Quendir as they unearth its dark past and attempt to prevent it’s even darker future.

  • EP/Album

    I have been a musician since I was 5 years old, learning the piano first, later the drums, now a variety of other instruments I have picked up over the course of my young adult life. In my spare time I like to write music and I have always thought to make a collection of songs and share them with people other than my sister.