To You and Sue

A short film

Written by

Tyler Johnson

The screen opens in a vibrant red shade to the sound of thousands of screaming fans. Yellow text fades into the center:

To: You and Sue

The title dissolves as the camera pans up from a red carpet to Magic-Hour Hollywood.


In the center of the frame stands a Celebrity Reporter looking at the Camera


A very lovely evening indeed Ladies and Gentlemen as tonight, the fabulously talented Susan Leblanc is here to premiere her BRAND NEW FILM!

The crowd screams even louder

You loved her in “Romeo and Julio” as Timothee Chalamet’s quirky, nerdy best friend. And in Marvel’s “She Hulk” as Ronda Rousey’s quirky, nerdy scientist sidekick. And now, co-starring in Wes Anderson's smash hit romantic-comedy about a death row executioner who only wishes to be loved… Oh My God there she is now!

The Reporter points frantically and the camera whips around to spot…

SUE LEBLANC: A-list Actor and model. Daughter of famous businessman, Harold White.

She slips out of her stretch limousine, instantly crowded by vulturing photographers as she waves and poses.

Camera pans to the crowd and we spot seven shirtless men with the letters S.U.S.A.N.!.! painted poorly on each of their backs. They twist around to show the letters

L.E.B.L.A.N.C also painted on their chests. SUE blows them a kiss and the man labeled “B” passes out dramatically.

SUE makes her way over to the camera


What an absolute pleasure it is to have you here tonight Miss Leblanc. Everyone is so so soooo excited for this film. What was it about the project that drew you in?


Well I just adored the story, really took me out of my comfort zone as an actor. As you know, I play Owen Wilson's quirky and nerdy love interest.


What a boundary breaker this is for you…

The interview continues muffled in the background, the shot cuts to look back at the wall of photographers flashing. In the back a camera appears jumping up and down.

We see behind the crowd of photographers a smaller photographer operating the camera.

ZACK: early 20’s, budding journalist, trying to make a name for himself in the celebrity photography industry.

He jumps up and down, struggling to see the interview. He stops jumping and begins panting, exhausted. He turns to see a man pulling a hood low over his face, not before the photographer recognises him


Hey, I know you!

The hooded stranger is startled and breaks into a sprint away.


W-wait, hey, I just wanna talk, come back!

The photographer yells as he begins to chase after him.

The stranger dashes around a corner and his hood flies off revealing he is…

BEN White: Brother of Sue Leblanc, successful entrepreneur in his own right, yet constantly in his sister’s shadow.

He frantically looks around behind him as he runs. ZACK, abnormally fast, catches up and tackles BEN from behind.

The two men lay injured on the ground on top of “Magic Johnson's” walk of fame star.

They stumble to their feet, ZACK checking his camera is ok, the stranger checking his teeth are all still there.


(groaning in pain) Christ, how are you so quick?!


Junior running champion of Georgia!

ZACK begins snapping pictures of BEN with one hand and recording with a microphone with the other

Mister Leblanc, is it true that you and your sister are now in contact after so many years not even talking?

He tucks the microphone under his arm and pulls out another camera, this one for video, clearly struggling to hold everything at once.


First of all: Can we just take a breather real quick. I think you just spear tackled all the air from my chest.

Ben dusts himself off and reclaims his upper class appearance. He tends to take himself quite seriously.


Second of all: our name is not “Leblanc”, that's just some silly moniker she takes. It's catchier than “White” apparently.

The men pause briefly


Mister White is it true that…

BEN waves his hands dismissively at ZACK with a look of distaste


No no no, enough of the cameras. Listen, I'm in a bit of a hurry right now

BEN begins to limp slowly back towards the premiere.


Shouldn’t you be reporting on the premiere anyway? There's no story for you here (gesturing to himself)

Zack begins to follow Ben with the microphones and cameras now lowered.

(the microphone will still be recording but it’s not obvious to the audience.)


Well a premiere isn't much of a story anyways. I didn't become a journalist to take pictures of actors, hear where their dresses are from and how much they cost!

Ben continues to limp, not paying attention


And frankly, she isn't that great of an actor either.

Ben stops in his tracks


Is that so?

He turns around to face ZACK


And here I was thinking everyone in this damned town loves her like she’s the second coming of christ.

What has she done to you?


Nothing really, she just seems like a brat


Go on…(gesturing to continue)


Attention seeking? (inquisitive, looking for the correct answer)




Full of herself!(confident this time)


Well that just runs in the family.

ZACK recoils, worried he has offended BEN


Sounds like a pain in the ass!


Try living with her. Everything was a competition in our house...



10 year old BEN and SUE are standing in front of the bathroom mirror brushing their teeth intensely.

and I mean EVERYTHING.

Young BEN and SUE are working side by side over a stove.

They serve gourmet dishes to their father who tastes the dishes, thinks, then shakes BEN’s hand.

I guess it doesn't help that our father kept track of all the scores.

The father walks over to a large scoreboard in the living room and adds one point to the side labeled BEN

Any normal parent might use a star chart or a sticker book to encourage their children to do their best.

The scoreboard shifts to later in their childhood, BEN and SUE now 15 years old. The scoreboard shows SUE now leading.

The scoreboard was the center of our world. If you weren't ahead, you might as well have been dead to him.

Several shots of SUE and her father out at the movies, getting ice cream, playing soccer in the backyard, with Ben being ignored and excluded.

But if you were winning…

Scoreboard now shows BEN in the lead and he receives a handshake from his father. Ben pokes his tongue out at SUE as their father leaves the room

It’s like nothing else mattered to him. Like you were his only child!

We see BEN and his father doing the same activities as before, but now with SUE excluded.

It was hard not to want that feeling all the time. Truth be told I wanted to be friends with Sue.

Ben holds his hand out to SUE



SUE reaches her hand out in response



But my childish gullibility always got in the way.

A devilish grin stretches across SUE’s face as we see her fingers crossed behind her back.

So that's when I realised we could never be on the same side.

SUE and her father are throwing a ball around outside. BEN sits inside and tries to throw a ball to himself. His other hand misses the ball and we hear glass smash offscreen.

Eventually, we weren’t kids anymore and our little childish competition had become much more intense.

BEN and SUE are now 18 years old. The scoreboard shows SUE in the lead. BEN watches from a window as SUE is handed the keys to a brand new car in the driveway by her father.

So then we were adults. And we started looking for jobs.


BEN is dressed in a nice suit. He sits on the three person seat between an unsightly, drunk man who is muttering profanities under his breath and a teenager aggressively playing the drums on his knees. BEN looks uncomfortable.

He looks out the window in front of him and sees SUE in her bright yellow new convertible. She waves sarcastically at BEN then takes off.


He sits in an office and speaks to another man in a suit behind a desk.

So now it was about who could make the most money or wear the nicest clothes.

BEN shakes hands with the man with a smile on his face, clearly receiving the job.

I got myself a nice gig investing in small businesses. It was a nice steady job…

The scoreboard shows BEN now in the lead.

And for a while there, I was in front!


BEN is walking past a movie theatre on his way home from work. As he takes a sip of his drink, his eye catches a poster titled “Romeo and Julio” with SUE featured on it.

Until by some miracle, Sue got her first job as an actor.

BEN spits his drink off frame. The camera pans to reveal BEN is holding hands with a woman, who is now covered in liquid. BEN pays no mind to her, his focus now on the poster.

There was no coming back after that.

The scoreboard now appears heavily in SUE’s favour.

It was like I didn’t exist.

BEN, SUE and their father sit at the dinner table. BEN is seated at the opposite end of the table sitting by himself.



So yeah, it was a pain in the ass.

BEN and ZACK finally make it back to the premiere. BEN looks around and spots SUE a little further down the red carpet posing for a different group of photographers.


So why are you here then? Surly she won't be too glad to see you either.


Well… It’s been a while, almost 30 years since I’ve seen her actually. And things change.

BEN looks down at his feet. After a few seconds he lifts his head, with tears streaming down his face


Our father died. A few months ago. It’s been years since she's been home so she has no idea.

He wipes the tears from his cheeks


So who knows, maybe we can finally have a conversation that isn’t just about winning and losing.

BEN begins walking over to where the group of photographers are.



He tries to push to the front waving his arms to get her attention.

SUE hears the voice faintly and looks towards the source. She struggles to see through the flashing lights of the cameras.



He yells as he pushes further into the crowd of photographers. After failing to gain her attention, he climbs over the wire barrier onto the red carpet.

Security guards immediately grab BEN and restrain him.

The guards grapple BEN to the ground, his face now flattened into the red carpet.


(he tries to speak, but it’s unintelligible as he is pressed into the ground.

SUE doesn’t recognise BEN and begins to run away.


Wait! (still unintelligible)

From the start of the red carpet, we see ZACK throw aside his cameras and sprints down the carpet.

He sprints in slow motion to catch up to SUE, who is now running for an elevator.

He is moving abnormally fast as he ducks and weaves through the lines of guards.

SUE reaches the elevator and spams the “close door” button

ZACK dives through the air as the music intensifies. He manages to make it through the doors just before they close.


Who the hell are you?! And how are you so fast??

ZACK pants and leans against the elevator door.


Junior running (pant pant)champion of georgia!

Your brother (pant pant) Ben (pant pant) that's him down there.

ZACK is out of breath. He pulls his recorder out of his jacket pocket and presses play.


So why are you here then? Surly she won't be too glad to see you either.


Well… It’s been a while, almost 30 years since I’ve seen her actually. And things change.



Our father died. A few months ago. It’s been years since she's been home so she has no idea. (sobbing)


So who knows, maybe we can finally have a conversation that isn’t just about winning and losing.

BEN is being taken away by the guards. The elevator door slides open, standing there is a crying SUE. She runs over to BEN



SUE pushes the guards off BEN. She picks up BEN and hugs him tightly.


(groaning)Good to see you again sis

As he opens his mouth, he is missing a tooth.


Good to see you too!